[Information] Language=English - UK Version=100 Author=Joseph Cox (BootBlock) Website=http://www.tnk-bootblock.co.uk Created=5th December, 2004. Modified=9th December, 2004. Notes=Hello! This is the default English (UK) language file! Whoo! Yay! Etc! [Strings] Next=Next Cancel=Cancel Start=Start Close=Close Finish=Finish Done=Done Error=Error Welcome=Welcome PleaseWait=Please Wait OperationComplete=Operation Complete! Information=Information General=General TroubleShooting=Trouble-Shooting Dependencies=Dependencies PluginDescription=Plugin Description PluginName=Plugin Name Plugin=Plugin Settings=Settings Language=Language Version=Version Author=Author Website=Website Created=Created Modified=Modified Notes=Notes NoTranslationFilesFound=No translation files found. StepOneBody=This software was designed to help decrease the loading time of Adobe's Reader application by disabling various - least used - plugins. This software works with Reader 5 and 6 (both free and paid for editions). StepTwoBody=Adobe Reader Speed-Up comes with two profiles; Fast and Turbo. It is recommended that you choose Fast, as the speed difference is neglible. Alternatively, you can pick && mix which plugins you want to enable. StepThreeBody=The selected operation has completed. If you chose Speed-Up, then click on Finish below and run Acrobat to see how much its loading time has changed. You can re-run this program at a later date, if required. SpeedUpAlreadyDone=You have already done a speed-up on this installation of|Adobe Reader/Acrobat. If you would like to modify the|list of plugins, then please do a Restore and then|finally a Speed-Up.||If you absolutely must do a speed-up RIGHT NOW no-matter|what, then go into the Tweaks->Trouble-Shooting section|and reset the Speed-Up status. SpeedUpFailedTitle=Speed-Up Operation Failed SpeedUpFailedBody=There was an error while trying to speed up Adobe Reader. Please make sure you have selected the correct directory in Change Settings and that Reader isn't currently running. NoPluginsFound=I was unable to find any plugins in the Adobe Reader Plugins directory.||Please make sure you have selected the correct directory in Change|Settings. Click Cancel and run Adobe Reader Speed-Up again to continue. SelectSpeedUpMode=Select Speed-Up Mode CouldNotFind=Could not find: CouldNotFindAcrobatInstallation=I was unable to find an installation of either the CE, free, or full version|of Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Please click on the Change Settings button in the|main window and specify the full path to the Reader\ or Acrobat\ directory. CouldNotCopyPluginFolder=Couldn't copy plugin %s. Speed-Up will continue regardless. CopyToClipboard=Would you like to copy this information to the clipboard? DeploymentError=There was an error while performing an automated deployment.|| ErrorDuringInitChanges=Error during InitChanges! ErrorDuringSpeedUp=There was an error during the speed-up process. Please visit the TNK-BootBlock.co.uk|forum and report this error. ErrorDuringRestore=Error restoring the original Adobe Reader state.|This error happens if you haven't yet Sped-Up Adobe|Reader, or if you have already Restored it.||To manually restore all of the plugins, go to the Adobe Reader directory|and delete the PLUG_INS directory. Then rename OPTIONAL to PLUG_INS.||Error was: ErrorPluginDirectoryNotFound=Plug_ins\ directory not found. ErrorWhileSelectingPlugins=There was an error while selecting plugins. ErrorWhileSelectingItem=There was an error during SelectItem! ErrorSetPluginHelp=There was an error during SetPluginHelp(). ErrorSetHelp=There was an error during SetHelp(). ErrorLoadingPluginHelp=There was an error while trying to load %s|from the directory that Reader SpeedUp.exe resides in.||Adobe Reader Speed-Up will continue to run, but you will|not be able to view any Plugin Help.||Error was: ExecutingSelectedOperation=Executing selected operation SourceSelectLocation=Select the Adobe Reader directory. Adobe Reader/Acrobat 3.0 (experimental), 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, and 7.0 Beta are supported. BackupSelectLocation=Select the directory you would like to backup the plugins to.. BackupLocationOnDifferentDrive=Sorry, but the Backup Location cannot be located on a different drive|to the main Acrobat application. Please select a Backup Location that|resides on the same drive. EndWispTisTask=Please use Task Manager to end the WISPTIS.EXE process if it|is currently running before you click on Save.|Do this again AFTER you've clicked save, too. AcrobatExeNotFound=Neither AcroRd32.exe or Acrobat.exe was found in the specified directory. NoHelpForThisPlugin=Sorry, there is no known information contained for this plugin. NoHelpForThisKnownPlugin=Adobe Reader Speed-Up knows this plugin exists, but does not have any information in its database about it. PerformSpeedUpFirst=You cannot perform a Restore operation because you have|yet to perform a Speed-Up. Please choose Speed Up to|continue.. ReadMeFile=Adobe Reader Speed-Up comes with a supplemental|Read Me file that all users are encouraged to read.||Would you like to read it now? ReadMeNote=The file is called ReadMe.txt and it's in the Adobe Reader|Speed-Up directory should you want to read it in the future. ResetSpeedUpStatus=Are you absolutely sure you want to reset the SpeedUp status? ResetSpeedUpComplete=The Speed-Up status has been reset. Restoring=Restoring SelectProgramsCommonDirectory=Select your Program Files\Common\ directory. SelectSystemDirectory=Select your Windows\System\ directory. If you're using Windows NT, then this would be your Windows\System32\ directory. SpeedUpFast=SpeedUp - Fast [recommended] SpeedUpTurbo=SpeedUp - Turbo TempFilesDirectoryNotValid=The Temp Files directory doesn't seem to be valid: AcrobatInstallPath=Select the new directory to specify as the Adobe Reader installation path. UnableToEnableSplash=Unable to enable the splash screen. UnableToDisableSplash=Unable to disable the splash screen. WispTisMayBeVisibleInTaskList=WispTis.exe may now be visible in your Task Manager's Processes list.|Use Task Manager to end the process and then WispTis.exe should not|load again in the future unless you re-enable it within the Tweaks|area, or if you (re)install Microsoft Office or Reader. [wMain] cmdNext=Start cmdCancel=Cancel lnkTweaks=Tweaks lnkSettings=Change Settings fraRestoreOriginalConfiguration=¬¬¬¬¬¬Restore Original Configuration labRestoreInfo=If you have previously done a Speed Up operation, you can use this option to restore the original Adobe Reader configuration. Of course doing this will result in Adobe Reader taking its original slow loading time for it to start. Doing this is not really recommended as Adobe Reader will load disabled plugins when they are absolutely required, so consequently restoring plugins is somewhat pointless. fraSpeedUp=¬¬¬¬¬¬Speed Up labSpeedUpInfo=Select this option if you would like to speed-up Adobe Reader for the first time, or you would like to make changes to an existing Speed Up operation. Please make sure that the Path in the Settings window is pointing to your installation of Adobe Reader, otherwise you will get an error message and the operation will be aborted. labReaderNotFound=Set Reader path using Change Settings! cmdPluginHelp=Plugin Help .. SpeedUp - Fast [recommended]=SpeedUp - Fast [recommended] SpeedUp - Turbo=SpeedUp - Turbo labSpeedUpMode=Select Speed-Up Mode labAvailablePlugins=Available Plugins.. labDonate=Adobe Reader is donationware. If you like this software, then you are encouraged to make a small donation to the author by clicking the PayPal logo. Of course, only donate if you want to and think this software is worth it. labPleaseWait=.. please wait .. labErrorTitle=OmgWtfLOLroffle!!1111!oneoneone labSpeedUpFailed=Speed-Up: Failed labBody=This software was designed to help decrease the loading time of Adobe's Reader application by disabling various - least used - plugins. See Read Me file for which versions of Adobe Reader and Acrobat are supported. labTitle=Welcome lvwPlugins - Column 1=Plugin lvwPlugins - Column 2=Filesize [wTweaks] WindowCaption=Tweaks cmdSave=Save cmdCancel=Cancel fraDirs=System Paths cmdChangeCommonDirectory=Change cmdChangeSystemDirectory=Change labHCommonDir=Common labHSystemDir=System fraInstallPath=Install Path cmdInstallPath=.. fraSystemPaths=System Paths labInstallPathChangeInfo=If you need to change the Reader install path for whatever reason - do it here. chkDisableBrowserIntegration=Disable browser integration. chkResetStatus=Reset Speed-Up status. chkFixStartupProblems=Attempt to fix any startup problems. labDisableBrowserIntegration=If you're getting a "Could not find Acrobat External Window Handler" error or you just want to disable browser integration altogether, then enable this option. Please note that this option may only apply to Internet Explorer. labResetStatus=Checking this item will cause ARSU to reset the current status of the Speed-Up state. Only do this if ARSU complains about a Speed-Up already being performed after you upgrade Reader or do a reinstall. labFixStartupProblems=If you find that Adobe/Acrobat Reader takes a long to start up (in the region of minutes) or that it just freezes while loading, then enable this to try and correct any problems. On some systems, enabling this option will cause ARSU to quit after it has attempted the fix. Just restart ARSU as normal if this happens. chkClearMRU=Clear list of recently opened files. chkDisableAutomaticUpdating=Disable automatic updating. chkWispTis=Disable the WISPTIS.EXE service from loading when Adobe Reader starts. chkDisableAdvert=Disable the little advert in the main Adobe Reader window. chkDisableSplash=Disable the splash screen on Reader's startup. labClearRecentlyOpenedFiles=Enable this checkbox if you would like your Recent Files list to be cleared. This prevents anyone from being able to see which documents you have viewed from within the Adobe Reader application itself. labDisableAutomaticUpdating=If you would prefer that Acrobat/Reader didn't automatically check for updates while running, then enable this option. Please note that there is a bug in some versions of Acrobat/Reader that cause it to check for updates multiple times per second; if you find this is happening, then enable this option. labDisableWispTis=You absolutely must NOT enable this option if you are using a Tablet PC or a PC with a graphics tablet, or anything that uses a device resembling a "pen" system. labDisableAdvert=This disables that little animated graphical advert that's at the top-right position of the Reader window. Please note that this also disables automatic updating. labDisableSplash=Some people say that makes Reader start faster, and others say that it makes no difference. Give this a go to see if it works in your favour. labBody=Here are the tweaks that Adobe Reader Speed-Up currently supports. Please note that these tweaks only work with v6 or higher of Adobe Reader. This may change in a future version of Adobe Reader Speed-Up. labFixingProblems=Please wait, fixing any problems found.. labTitle=Tweaks [wSettings] WindowCaption=Settings fraAdobeLink=Need Reader? fraBackupLocation=Backup Location labBackupLocationNotice=Unless it's blatantly wrong, it is recommended that you leave this setting as-is. labBackupLocationInfo=Select the location you would like to backup the Adobe Reader plugins to. fraDirectory=Adobe Reader Directory labARDirectoryNotice=Click on the folder icon and select your Adobe Reader directory. fraLanguage=Language labLanguage=The currently selected language is: %s lnkChangeLanguage=Change cmdCancel=Cancel cmdSave=Save labBody=You can use this window to change various settings relating to the operation of Adobe Reader Speed-Up. There currently aren't many options available, but then again this is a fairly simple application. labTitle=Settings [wPluginHelp] WindowCaption=Plugin Information labPlugin=Plugin: cmdClose=Close [wAbout] WindowCaption=About labDonate=If you like ARSU, then please consider making a donation by clicking on the logo. Thanks! labHPlugins=Plugins labDisclaimer=Neither BiQubic Solutions or Joseph Cox takes any re- sponsibility for any direct or indirect damage that this software may cause to either your PC or software. labHDate=Date labHBuild=Build labHVersion=Version [wLanguage] Template=Template labLanguage=Please Select Your Language cmdCancel=Cancel cmdOkay=Okay ###### TOOLTIPS ###### ###### You do not need to translate these if you don't want to ##### [wMain - ToolTips] lnkBiQubic=Click for program information.. cmdNext=Continue.. cmdCancel=Exit the application.. ruleBottom= ruleTop= fraContainer= picContainer= lnkTweaks=Click for advanced tweaks.. optMode=Restore all plugins.. lnkSettings=Modify application settings.. fraRestoreOriginalConfiguration= picFlickerReducer= labRestoreInfo= fraSpeedUp= labSpeedUpInfo= imgTweaks= imgReaderNotFound=Important! labReaderNotFound=I cannot locate Adobe Acrobat/Reader.. imgChangeSettings= lvwPlugins= cmdPluginHelp=Get information on the selected plugin.. cboMode=Select Speed-Up profile.. labSpeedUpMode= labAvailablePlugins=The plugins available.. prgProgress= imgDonate=Click to donate! labDonate= labPleaseWait= labErrorTitle= labError= imgSpeedUpFailedCross=Error labSpeedUpFailed= labBody= imgTopWaterMark= imgBiQubic=BiQubic Solutions labTitle= imgHeader=Information labHeaderBkg= imgWaterDrop= imgCritical=Information [wAbout - ToolTips] fraMain= picAntiFlicker= ruleBottom= lnkForums= lnkWebsite= labDonate= imgDonate=Click to donate! labPlugins= labHPlugins= labDisclaimer= labDate= labHDate= labBuild= labHBuild= labVersion= labHVersion= labTitle= imgStar= labWhitePanel= imgLeftBanner= [wLanguage - ToolTips] lnkAuthor=Get information on the selected language cmdCancel=Don't change the language cmdOkay=Select the new language ruleBottom= cboLanguages=Select the language you would like to use for the interface.. labLanguage= imgFlags= [wPluginHelp - ToolTips] ruleBottom= cmdClose=Close window txtHelp= txtPlugin=Name of selected plugin imgInformation=Information on selected plugin.. labPlugin= [wSettings - ToolTips] fraLanguage= lnkChangeLanguage= labLanguage= fraAdobeLink= imgGetAdobeReader=Click here if you need to download Reader.. ruleTop= fraBackupLocation= tbrBackupDir= txtBackupDir= labBackupLocationNotice= labBackupLocationInfo= fraDirectory= txtAdobeDir= tbrMain= labARDirectoryNotice= cmdCancel=Cancel any changes made cmdSave=Save changes ruleBottom= labBody= imgTopWaterMark= labTitle= imgTopLogo= labHeaderBkg= [wTweaks - ToolTips] tvwSections= ruleTop= cmdSave=Save changes cmdCancel=Cancel any changes made topBottom= picSection= fraSystemPaths= cmdChangeCommonDirectory= cmdChangeSystemDirectory= labCommonDir= labSystemDir= labHCommonDir= labHSystemDir= imgInformation_Information= fraInstallPath= cmdInstallPath=Click to change the install path.. txtInstallPath= labInstallPathChangeInfo= chkDisableBrowserIntegration= chkResetStatus=Only do this if you're sure you need to! chkFixStartupProblems= labDisableBrowserIntegration= labResetStatus= labFixStartupProblems= chkClearMRU=Remove your recently opened files from the Files list chkDisableAutomaticUpdating=Prevent Reader from automatically checking for new updates chkWispTis= chkDisableAdvert= chkDisableSplash= labClearRecentlyOpenedFiles= labDisableAutomaticUpdating= labDisableWispTis= labDisableAdvert= labDisableSplash= labQuote=Eeeeeh, 'ecky thump! imgQuote=Click me for a good rogering.. labBody= imgTopWaterMark= labFixingProblems=Please wait imgTopLogo= labTitle= labHeaderBkg=